Core Team

Felipe Ceotto
Felipe Ceotto's LinkedIn Profile

Felipe Ceotto


A mountain-biking enthusiast and a piano player, Felipe learned to write computer programmes at the age of 8 because his parents would not let him use the computer for games. A life-long learner, he has an impressive knowledge of many different technologies. Does not go out biking when it's raining.

Barry Fearon
Barry Fearon's LinkedIn Profile

Barry Fearon


A mountain-biking enthusiast and a drummer, Barry has worked for over 20 years as a designer, working in many diverse industries delivering modern and intuitive user experiences. He also set up a music festival in his spare time to celebrate his wife's birthday. Has a social life, so is always far too busy to go out biking.

Satnam Singh
Satnam Singh's LinkedIn Profile

Satnam Singh

Head of QA & Games Delivery

A new mountain-biking enthusiast (he didn't have much of a choice with this team, did he?) and a gamer, Satnam's habit of finding problems with anything or everything landed him into a quality profession and over the last decade he has been helping the gaming industry in building flawless gaming products. He walks his bike when going uphill.

Nicholas Mcdonald
Nicholas Mcdonald's LinkedIn Profile

Nicholas Mcdonald


A mountain-biking enthusiast and a runner, Nick is a gaming and retail veteran who has great respect for the well-being of team members and empowers them to make smart business decisions. He is also an all-weather outdoor exercise kind of guy that drives his team nuts when they have team building exercises. Goes out running or biking in rain, snow and storm.